Κατάλογος Ονομάτων Χωρών και Πρωτευουσών

vi 5. Foreign feminine names ending in –a follow the declination of the Greek language, such as η Βενεζουέλα – της Βενεζουέλας, η Βραζιλία – της Βραζιλίας, η Νικαράγουα – της Νικαράγουας . 6. Feminine names ending in –ia and bearing stress on the antepenult syllable in the foreign language move the stress on the penultimate following the tradition of the Greek language. Examples are: Γαμβία not Γάμβια, Ζαμβία not Ζάμβια, Τανζανία not Τανζάνια. 7. Traditional names ending in –o which in the scholar language had the ending –on , are declinated. Examples are: το Λονδίνο – του Λονδίνου, το Μεξικό – του Μεξικού . New names ending in –o which were not connected to the scholar ending –on are not declinated. Examples are: Κολόμπο, Μονακό, Όσλο and Τόκιο . 8. Traditional names ending in –i which had the ending –ion in the scholar language, are declinated. Examples are: το Βελιγράδι – του Βελιγραδίου, το Παρίσι – του Παρισιού. New names ending in –i which were not connected to the scholar ending –ion , are not declinated. Examples are: Μπουρούντι and Τζιμπουτί . 9. Foreign names, when transcribed into the Greek language, adjust their consonantal clusters according to the phonological rules of the Greek language. Examples are: Καμπέρα instead of Κανπέρρα , Κοπεγχάγη instead of Κοπενχάγη . 10. Stress of foreign names is preserved when transcribed into the Greek language, such as feminine names ending in –ια which bear stress on the antepenult syllable, are excluded from this principle and are transcribed with stress on the penultimate, such as Καλιφόρνια – Καλιφορνία. Also names with stress on the antiantepenult undergo the trisyllabic stress rule of the Greek language. 11. Foreign b is transcribed traditionally as β , as in Βέλγιο, Βερολίνο and Βοστώνη . Spanish b which is pronounced [v] is represented by β , as in Αβάνα and Κούβα . New transcriptions represent foreign b by μπ as in Αμπού Ντάμπι and Γκαμπόν . The cluster mb is represented traditionally by μβ as in Κολομβία and Μοζαμβίκη . New transcriptions represent the cluster mb by μπ as in Κολόμπο and Μπαμπάνε . The cluster mp is represented by μπ as in Κουάλα Λουμπούρ . Double bb is represented by μπ as in Abbeville – Αμπβίλ . 12. Foreign d is represented traditionally by δ as in Βαγδάτη and ∆αμασκός . Spanish d which is pronounced [δ] is represented by δ in the transcription into the Greek language as in Μοντεβίδεο, Τρινιδάδ και Τομπάγο . New transcriptions represent foreign d by ντ as in Ντάκα and Ντακάρ . The cluster nd is represented traditionally by νδ as in Ινδονησία and Ιρλανδία . In new words foreign nd is represented by ντ as in Λουάντα and Σάντο Ντομίγγο . The cluster nt is represented by ντ as in Αργεντινή and Μοντεβίδεο . Double dd is represented by ντ as in Heddesheim – Χεντεσχάιμ. 13. Foreign g is represented traditionally by γ as in Αργεντινή, Πορτογαλία and Σενεγάλη . Spanish g which is pronounced γ is represented by γ as in Σάντα Φε δε Μπογοτά and Τεγουσιχάλπα . New transcriptions represent foreign g by γγ in the medial position as in Νταγγουτίνοβο and by γκ in word initial and word final position as in Γκάνα and Σίνερσιγκ . 14. G is also represented by γκ when belonging to a consonantal cluster to avoid γγ on syllable onset position as in Ζάγ-κρεμπ. 15. Ng is represented by γγ in the medial position as in Αγγόλα, Μογγολία, and Σιγγαπούρη and by γκ in word initial and word final position as in Γκουστίτσα ε Ότραντος and Πέτσιγκ . 16. Ng is also represented by γκ when belonging to a consonantal cluster to avoid γγ on syllable onset position as in Αγ-γλία , but Ουάσιγκ-των and at the final position of the first member of a compound as in Κίγκστων . 17. The cluster nk is represented by γκ as in Φραγκφούρτη . 18. Double gg is represented by γγ as in Agger-Άγγερ .